Sean Moore
Sean Moore is Founder and Principal of Advocacy School and one of Canada’s most experienced practitioners, writers and teachers on public-policy advocacy. He has several decades of experience in policy-advocacy related to local, provincial/state and federal government affairs in Canada, the United States and Europe. Clients have included foundations, corporations, governments, indigenous and nonprofit organizations as well as professional and trade associations.
He is a former Partner and Public-Policy Advisor with the Ottawa-based international law firm Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP, (now Gowling WLG) a former president of what was, at the time, Canada’s largest government-relations consulting firm and a former vice president of a Washington, DC-based public-policy consulting firm.
Sean Moore
Sean Moore is Founder and Principal of Advocacy School and one of Canada’s most experienced practitioners, writers and teachers on public-policy advocacy. He has several decades of experience in policy-advocacy related to local, provincial/state and federal government affairs in Canada, the United States and Europe. Clients have included foundations, corporations, governments, indigenous and nonprofit organizations as well as professional and trade associations.
He is a former Partner and Public-Policy Advisor with the Ottawa-based international law firm Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP, (now Gowling WLG) a former president of what was, at the time, Canada’s largest government-relations consulting firm and a former vice president of a Washington, DC-based public-policy consulting firm.
Today, through Advocacy School, he also designs, facilitates and conducts workshops, webinars, retreats and professional-development training in policy-drafting skills, advocacy and policy engagement for industry and professional associations, First Nations organizations, companies, NGOs and local governments. He has also served as a facilitator for meetings of the Independent Senators Group (ISG) in the Senate of Canada.
He has developed and taught undergraduate and graduate-level courses on public-policy advocacy at Carleton University’s Graduate School of Public Policy and Administration and the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management Executive MBA program and in the Social Innovation Graduate-Diploma program at the University of Waterloo. He has been a faculty member of the Toronto Maytree Foundation’s Public-Policy Training Institute and is an advocacy trainer and coach/ mentor to grantees and fellows of a number of foundations including Canada’s J.W. McConnell Foundation and the Europe-based Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation of Portugal.
Sean Moore earned an undergraduate degree in political science from Carleton University and a graduate diploma in public administration from Carleton’s Graduate School of Public-Policy and Administration. He has been awarded a teaching excellence award from Carleton’s Graduate Student Association and is also the recipient of the Bissett Distinguished Alumni Award from Carleton University’s Graduate School of Public Policy & Administration.